Warts or verrucas

an update to treatment protocols

Liquid Nitrogen for Warts or Verrucas

Posted: 10 January 2020 · Practice news

From January 2020 patients will no longer receive liquid nitrogen treatment in the practice for warts or verrucas. Instead patients will be directed to the community pharmacy for over the counter preparations for treatment of warts or verrucas.

The Warts and Verrucae Patient Information Leaflet gives background information, including on what warts and verrucae are, treatment for them, and when treatment is required.

Academy Medical Centre

We are one of the largest GP practices in Tayside, Scotland, with approximately 9,200 patients on our list.

The surgery is open Monday to Friday from 8am-1pm & 2pm-6pm (except public holidays).

Academy Medical Centre
Academy Street
Tel: 01307 462316
Email: academymc.tayside@nhs.scot